How to take care of a stray cat.

Taking care of  stray cats has been easy for me. Of the four stray cats I have taken in three were kittens and one was two years old. The two kittens that were three and four weeks old respectively were of no significant problem. They were eating solid food . Because they were probably still sucking we fed them Purina kitten formula until weaning age. They were kept separate from the rest of the cats when no one was home. When they were free to run around the house we always kept an eye out for their safety from the dogs and adult cats. They socialized easily and now at almost a year old they are doing fine.  They had vet visits soon after being found . Needles and deworming is mandatory. We had the little Tomcat neutered at six months. The little girl is still intact. There is no one to get her pregnant so I am waiting to get her spayed. The two year old female was kept isolated from everyone for three days until her vet visit. I did not know what parasites or diseases she might introduce to the clowder so we took no chances. After the vet visit we brought her into the house and let her loose. She socialized well with only a few fights with the other adult females. Every body used the litter boxes with out any problems. Shortly after her arrival she went into heat. Lots of night time howling and the boys liked her. We got her spayed soon after. My very first cat was found at about four months old. He had to be live trapped as he was to scared to let any one near him. We got him in the house and he adapted to home living easily. My first introduction to cat health care came when he started leaving worms. A call to the vet and a couple of pills and we were  done with that.

My friend had a slightly different experience with her adult male feral cat. This boy was fed outside for a year until he came around sick. Being timid and impossible to catch a live trap was used and he was taken to the vet immediately. Vaccinations, neutering and a discovery of being feline FIV positive resulted. He was taken into the house and he hid for months until he was ready to get social. Now he is a loving and wonderful healthy cat. Socialization come at the cats discretion and everyone has to be patient and let things happen. A FIV cat can live to normal life span but should be kept inside and have regular vet visits to avoid any complications.

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