How To Give Cats Medicine – Under a Veterinarians Advice.

This is a picture of Raymond before he was captured and taken to the vet. He was getting sick as a feral cat  and needed help. Your vet should be a trusted individual in the process of diagnosis and application of medicine. When things happen late at night or on holidays there is a desire to help somehow. If there is an after hours phone number use it. That number is there for a reason and do not feel that you are inconveniencing someone. Do not give people medicine thinking it can help. Most people medicine is toxic to animals. Some human medicine is used however it must be prescribed by a vet. When you have medicine to take home be sure to review the dosage and application instructions. Do not panic call the vet. It is better to take your kitty to the vet in a carrier. The carrier will give you peace of mind . It will capture a mess and you don’t have to fight a stressed cat in your car. All the best. That kitty in the picture is doing just fine now and is living a comfortable indoor life. See Raymond in meet the kitties page.


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