I Have A Cat


I have a cat. I actually have eight cats. Each one has a unique personality. My cats are all rescues and come from various backgrounds. They are all beautiful elegant felines. If you follow this link to my Meet The Kittys page you can read Bio’s of my clowder. The rescue of cats and my dogs and horses has brought about a unique understanding of life and the world around me.

My First Cat

Tuxedo Kitten

My adventure starts on a late October afternoon in 2013. Weak kitten cries from the wood pile led me to find a small tuxedo kitten looking for food and being scared. This kitten is now sitting beside me as I type this as a full-grown kitty that has brought me endless joy. Soxs is my first cat Then came Lacy and then Tenzin. Next we rescued Rufus. What a gentleman he was. He was only with us for a few months when he suddenly passed away. That was a very sad day.

Then we adopted Alexis. She is a senior female and I call her Grandma Lexi. Next I found the kittens Ariel and Esther. Little babies less than a month old. What a blessing. Then Roxanne came into our lives. She is my adventure cat and finally my big boy Norbu. Norbu went from a wild feral cat to a big gentle house cat.

When I held Soxs for the first time it was like a moment of illumination. I was holding this fragile little life. Now I can not imagine my home without him or the rest of the cats. Click on this link to Meet The Kittys.

Why Rescue Cats

Every cat needs a home. Every cat that has a home has a chance to live a happy life with regular health care, a good diet and a family. Cats that have a family will be neutered or spayed thus reducing the number of unwanted cats. Dumping of cats and animal abuse is greatly reduced if every cat has a home.

Rescue CatNot every cat will like being in the house. Of my eight cats only two can go outside and then they are on leashes and monitored. Some cats like living in a barn and that’s acceptable, however as a responsible cat owner the kitties need health care, feeding and shelter.

The health care mentioned should include a Trap, Spay/Neuter Release program. All medically sterilized cats need monitoring for infection or other medical issue for up to three weeks before being released back to the barn. I personally do not like free ranging cats. There are just to many threats for the kitty from wild animals, vehicles, and cruel people. Health care does not mean Declawing. This is a cruel medical procedure done for the benefit of people with no benefit to the cat. Not only is it cruel, but if the cat gets out it can not hunt or defend itself.

Australia is a perfect example of a species gone unchecked. They have a runaway cat population and it is not the cats fault. It is the fault of poor cat ownership. Now these cats have to suffer the most cruel tactics in order to control the population. Follow this link to read about cat reproductive rates.

Why I Love Cats

There are no ordinary cats. All of my cats are rescues. They have no pedigrees, but they are as special as any cat on the planet. All cats possess the same attributes. It makes no difference if it is a large jungle cats or a feral feline. Here are some attributes that every cat possesses.



What magnificence is the cat. When I watch a cat walk they move with deliberate elegance. They always sit with poise. I am amazed at how they can reach all parts of their body while grooming. The cat moves with attentive independence like they are always ready to move for either hunting or survival. Domestic cats are both prey and the hunter. Cats are like a piece of sculpture whether they are sitting, sleeping or in motion.


Did you know that a cat can run up to 30 mph or 48 kph. That is why when you are leash training you must keep a good hold on the leash and for the early lessons a person should wear a jacket and gloves so you can hold you cat when the get scared. A cat that runs away with a leash attached will get it hooked somewhere or if the kitty climbs a tree it will probably wrap its self around branches and be stuck or worse. I have seen this happen so be careful.

Did you know a cat can jump six times their length or over eight feet in a single leap. It is amazing to watch a cat jump up on the counter and land with such grace. I love watching my cats climb their tree or walk on the tops of the cupboards.


Baby Esther

Cats are resilient. They survive in harsh conditions and can reproduce beyond control and yet they are fragile. Cats need our protection. My little girl Roxanne will run out of the house from between the dogs legs. It has been very cold lately and she runs out to the drive way and then just stood there and cried. She needs my protection and support. All my cats need my support. All feral cats need someone to look out for them.

My newest rescue Norbu loves being in the house. Norbu was a wild feral cat. Now he is a happy house cat. Tenzin would be a tangled mess in a week without regular grooming. When Lacy got out for two weeks she got skinny and now does not even want to go outside. I could imagine that all my kitties would not do well without support.

When you love your cats you will realize how much they need you.

Why Do I Have A Cat


I have a cat Because THEY MAKE ME SMILE! Regardless of how my day has gone my cats make me smile. When they sit on me and purr it is magic. When Esther comes to bed and cuddles it makes my day. I love hearing feet running in the middle of the night. Cats match my personality.

We should have compassion for all animals that need rescuing. If you rescue a cat it is a lifetime commitment with endless rewards. If you can provide help to feral cats they will appreciate the effort even if it’s not apparent.

Feral Cat in Carrier

This world needs people that can provide protection for the most vulnerable creatures of the earth. Everyone can do something. For example, you can adopt, if adoption is not an option, volunteering at a shelter is possible. Shelters need funding so perhaps regular donations to your favorite shelter could be done. Feral cats need protection. Building shelters, feeding, trap neuter/spay and release programs is a project for the right person.

We can’t save every life, but every life you save will is important.

This my important message for today. Please leave a comment or question below. Don’t forget to check out my Cat Care Products page for something for that special kitty. Click on the images for access to the whole Amazon website.

Here is an example of a heated outdoor cat shelter. Please click on the image for pricing and other options. 


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